My “Circle of Peace” Logo
My logo reflects who I am and what I am about. I am Osage Indian. To the American Indians, a circle is a powerful symbol that represents unity and harmony. Harmony in life leads to peace, balance, and well-being, inside and out. The colors black, white, yellow and red are sacred colors to the Osage People. Feathers and beads grace the circle. The sun and moon represent yin and yang, two fundamental principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Spider and Hawk are my animal guides. The white horse is Czammy. The Paint is Ka.Wa. The cat represents all the cats I’ve known and loved. The dog is Del, my dog of 14 years, who crossed over to the heavens in 2013. They have all been my teachers and companions throughout my circle of life. The human in the logo is me. My t-shirt is purple which represents spiritual enlightenment.
Logo design by Gaia Orion.
Czammy, My Inspiration
This is the story of Czammy, my first horse.
In this picture, I'm offering Reiki to Czammy in a large, open field with the rest of his herd grazing nearby. He is happy and content, and chooses to hang out with the Reiki energy. Czammy is the reason that I studied and practiced to become a Reiki Practitioner/Teacher and offer Reiki not only to equines, but to all animals, and to teach Reiki to humans so that they can offer this healing energy to the animals in their circles of life.
My Spirit Horse, teacher, companion and partner for almost 11 years. Ka.Wa means "Horse" in Osage Indian Language. Ka.Wa totally digs Reiki and Acupressure. And he is smart. He knows that this energy work helps him to feel better… he stands quietly for our healing time together, open and willing to receive the energy and its benefits for his mind, body and spirit. It’s a time for Ka.Wa and me to connect and “just be” together.
Education and Training
2014. Certified with National Board of Certification for Animal Acupressure and Massage (NBCAAM)
2014. Graduate of Tallgrass Animal Acupressure Institute
- Certified Equine Acupressure Practitioner
- Completion of 300 hours of hands-on and online studies
2007. Started Reiki business, Circle of Peace
2000-Current. Director of Animal Shows (Endangered Breeds, Poultry, Sheep, Cattle, Dairy Goats, Rabbit Shows) for The Bolton Fair, an agricultural fair that began in 1882.
2000-2010. PATH International Advanced Therapeutic Riding and Vaulting Instructor (Professional Assoc. of Therapeutic Horsemanship)
Reiki Training
- 2022. Upcoming Shinpiden Teacher Training with Hyakuten Inamoto
- 2018. Monthly Virtual Practice Evenings with Frans Stiene
- 2017. Shoden Reiki I and Okuden Reiki II Webclass with Frans Stiene
- 2017. Shinpiden Reiki III Training with Frans Stiene
- 2016. Reiki Meditation Retreat with Frans Stiene, International House of Reiki
- 2016. Animal Reiki Teacher Training with Kathleen Prasad, SARA
- 2015. Animal Reiki for Practitioners with SARA, Shelter Animal Reiki Association
- 2006. Reiki Third Degree
- 2002. Reiki Second Degree
- 2000. Reiki First Degree
Students at a Reiki I class in a circle of compassion, feeling and offering the Reiki energy. These participants work or volunteer in the Equine-Assisted Activities and Therapy field and took the class to be able to give back with Reiki to the hard-working equines in their lives.
Volunteer Activities (Current and Past)
- Meditation with the Horses at The Healing Garden Cancer Support Center
- Seniors at Bolton Senior Center
- Equines at Lucky Horse Equine Rescue
- MSPCA Nevins Farm
Teachings and Demonstrations
PATH International and Regional Conferences + Teachings at PATH EAAT Centers
- 2019. Greeting + Grooming with Rein in a Dream Therapeutic Horsemanship Program, Lancaster, MA
- 2019. Introduction to Equine Acupressure, Vermont State Meeting, Riding to the Top Therapeutic Riding Center, VT
- 2019. Equine Acupressure Basics Workshop, Riding to The Top Therapeutic Riding Center, VT
- 2019. Greeting + Grooming with Gratitude Veterans Workshop, Wild Hearts Therapeutic Equestrian Program, MA
- 2018. Now is the Time to Relax and Heal Together. Region One Conference, High Horses Therapeutic Riding Program, VT
- 2018. Meditation with the EAAT Equines. Region One Conference at Gaits of Harmony Therapeutic Riding, RI
- 2017. Introduction to Equine Acupressure, International PATH Conference, Bastrop, TX
- 2016. Meditation with the EAAT Equines, BINA Farm Center, MA
- 2013 & 2012. Taught a complimentary two-day Level I Reiki class for individuals working and volunteering with equines at equine assisted therapy centers (EAAT).
- 2011 & 2010. Gave Reiki presentations to bring awareness to Reiki and its benefits for the equines at equine assisted therapy centers.
Reiki Demonstrations
- 2021, 2019. Paws in the Park, Save a Dog Rescue Fundraiser, Sudbury, MA
- 2018. Open House Sports Dog Training, Stow, MA
- 2018, 2016 & 2012. Woofstock. Buddy Dog Humane Society Fundraiser, Hudson, MA
- 2017. Worcester AKC Kennel Dog Show, Big E, MA
- 2012. Fund raiser for Lucky Horse Equine Rescue
- 2010 & 2011. Equine Wellness Expo, Amherst, MA
Affiliations and Memberships
- Animal Integrative Health Center in Bolton, MA
- Member
~ Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA) - Teacher Level ~ International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP) ~ National Board Certification for Animal Acupressure and Massage (NBCAAM) ~ PATH International (Professional Association Therapeutic Horsemanship)
- Massachusetts Licensed Riding Instructor